How Often Do Babies Get Switched at Birth
Babies switched at birth are babies who, because of either error or malice, are interchanged with each other at birth or very soon thereafter, leading to the babies existence unknowingly raised by parents who are not their biological parents. The occurrence is rarely discovered in real life, but is much more mutual as a plot device in novels and films, such every bit the Television series Switched at Nativity and Autumn in My Heart.
Equally a literary plot device [edit]
The plot device of babies who are switched at birth, or in their cradles, has been a common i in American fiction since the 18th century. It is one of the several identifiable characteristics of melodrama that are plot devices dealing with situations that are highly improbable in real life.[1]
The use of this mutual theme has continued ever since. The device was used a number of times by Westward.Due south. Gilbert, including in the Gilbert and Sullivan comic operas H.K.Due south. Pinafore and The Gondoliers. In both cases, well-built-in babies were switched with commoners. Mark Twain later used this plot device in The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (1893), where 2 babies, ane white and i black, are switched at birth, resulting in both passing for races that they are not.[two] It is 1 of the themes that telly films regularly exploited in the 1970s and 1980s.[3] It continues to be a popular theme in the 1990s and 21st century with (for examples) it beingness employed as a plot device in Veronica Mars (the characters Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie and Madison Sinclair), in Neighbours (the characters Bree Timmins and Anne Baxter), Dark and Day (the characters Jane Harper and Della Wells) and in The Young and the Restless (children of Lauren Fenmore Baldwin and Sheila Carter). A non-human case occurs in the Planet of the Apes franchise, when the son of intelligent apes Zira and Cornelius is swapped with a 20th-century circus ape's infant, in social club to assure the survival of the offspring that can become sentient. In Desperate Housewives, the characters Juanita Solis and Grace Sanchez were switched at birth by a nurse named Teresa Pruitt. In the Philippine boob tube serial Mara Clara, the characters Mara Davis/David and Clara del Valle were switched at birth past Gary for revenge after his former lover was married to another human. On the series Switched at Birth, the characters Bay and Daphne were switched at nascence.
Baby switching storylines are a staple of daytime drama, every bit in the case of The Young and the Restless mentioned above. Other notable switched-at-nascence storylines on American soaps include One Life to Live 'south story, begun in 1979, in which prostitute Katrina Karr, who had planned to put her child up for adoption as before long as information technology was born, and former nun Jenny Vernon both gave nascency to girls at the same hospital, at the same time. Jenny'due south infant died in the maternity ward every bit Karen Wolek and Marco Dane (posing equally a doctor) visited the child. Every bit they knew Katrina had planned to give upwards her baby daughter, Karen and Marco switched the newborns. It was non until 1982 that the truth came out and Jenny tearfully gave baby Mary back to Katrina.
In 2008, another One Life to Live storyline saw Starr Manning meaning with Cole Thornhart's infant. Her cousin Jessica Brennan was also significant with her late married man'due south baby. Starr went into labor as her father Todd Manning (afterwards revealed to be his twin brother Victor) planned to kidnap his grandchild and heighten the babe secretly with Cole's amnesiac mother Marty Saybrooke. Tess, one of Jessica's alter personalities, had taken control of Jessica's life and went into premature labor. Starr, with the help of the baby's adoptive mother Marcie McBain and Starr's mother Blair Manning, gave nativity to a good for you girl, whom she named Promise. Tess'due south child, named Chloe, was stillborn. The trauma of Chloe'south death resulted in the emergence of another alter, Bess, who took Jessica's deceased infant to the infirmary and switched her with Starr's healthy child. Seven months later, Jessica realized what had happened and told the truth to her cousin.
Perhaps the near circuitous storyline involving the switched-at-birth plot device ran simultaneously on All My Children and I Life to Live, from March 2004 to Feb 2005.[4] Involved were All My Children 's Bianca Montgomery and Babe Chandler, and 1 Life to Live 'due south Kelly Cramer Buchanan, likewise as many other characters.
In George R.R. Martin's A Vocal of Ice and Burn serial, the baby Aegon Targaryen was switched with a commoner's baby at some point prior to the Sack of King's Landing in order to save him from being killed during the rebellion against the Targaryen dynasty. After the commoner's infant is killed, anybody believes that Aegon is expressionless when in fact he is preparing to take back his gramps's throne.
In the 1971 manga/anime Wandering Sun / Nozomi in the Lord's day (Sasurai no Taiyou), Miki and Nozomi are ii girls who were switched at nativity by the nurse Michiko Nohara, who holds a personal grudge against one of the families involved. Miki should've been raised equally the daughter of the poor but loving Mine family simply instead is taken in by the rich and snobbish Kouda association, and Nozomi the contrary. The deceit isn't properly revealed until nigh the end of the series.
In the Umineko no naku koro ni visual novels, Rudolf Ushiromiya's wife Asumu and mistress/later second married woman Kyrie were meaning and gave birth at roughly the same time. Rudolf had the children switched when Asumu's kid was stillborn so the affair wouldn't exist uncovered, and subsequently Asumu'south expiry from an illness, he married Kyrie. The surviving child grows into the protagonist of the games, Battler Ushiromiya, who believes himself to be Asumu and Rudolf's son until later in the story.
In the game Tales of the Abyss, Princess Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear died few after nascence then her nanny Maggie switched her with her likewise newborn granddaughter, Meryl Oakland. This causes Meryl's mother Sylvia (Maggie'southward own girl) to commit suicide out of grief, and her father Badaq before long became the enemy full general Largo the Black King of beasts. Meryl, now Natalia, is raised as the Princess and doesn't observe out the truth until she'due south a teenager.
In reality [edit]
Babies on a cart at Manhattan Maternity and Dispensary in 1912
In real life, such a switch occurs rarely.[1] Since many cases of babies switched at nativity are likely undocumented or unknown, the post-obit is presumably not an exhaustive listing.
- In 1913, a baby later named Jim Collins was born to Sam and Ida Benson and a babe afterward named Phillip Benson was built-in to John Josef Collins and his wife. They were switched at Fordham Hospital in New York City in the early days of hospital births.[v] [6]
- In 1931, at the Leiden University Medical Center, female babies Agnes van Vegten and Lenie van Duyn were switched. Suspicions did not rise until two decades afterwards, when the girls met at a nuptials and wondered at their common likeness to each other'due south family.[seven]
- In 1941, in a Michigan hospital, Tom Johnson and Herbert Benjamin Reibman were accidentally switched. The switch was discovered in 2019 after genetic testing.[viii]
- In 1942, in a West Virginia hospital, John William Carr III and Jackie Lee Spencer were accidentally switched. The switch was discovered after Deoxyribonucleic acid testing. In 2020, the men filed a lawsuit over the switch.[9]
- In 1942, in a Pennsylvania hospital, Sandra Baronick Pyne and Sandra Monaco Smith were accidentally switched. The switch was discovered in 2018 afterward genetic testing.[10]
- In 1942, at Bureå hospital in northern Sweden, ii boys were accidentally switched, and then switched back after a legal process in 1945 (the example is known equally Bureåfallet in Swedish). This is described in the novel Kapten Nemos bibliotek (1991) past Per Olov Enquist, who was a cousin of i of the boys.[ citation needed ]
- In 1945, Denice Juneski and Linda Jourdeans were accidentally switched in a St. Paul Minnesota infirmary. The switch was discovered in 2018 afterward genetic testing.[11]
- In 1951, at a hospital in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, the babies of Mary Miller and Kay McDonald were accidentally switched. Mary Miller immediately suspected that a switch had occurred, every bit the baby she received weighed a full two pounds less than at the hospital. Mary Miller knew Kay McDonald, and assumed that it was their baby she had taken dwelling. Yet, a serial of circumstances kept Mary Miller from actively pursuing her suspicion for 43 years, when she revealed to the now grown girls, Sue McDonald and Martha Miller, what she suspected of their births. Genetic tests later confirmed that a switch did in fact occur. The story was featured on an episode of the radio show This American Life.[12] [xiii]
- In 1953, at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner, Oregon, two babies were switched. In May 2009, the women discovered they were switched. DeeAnn Angell of Fossil and Kay Rene Reed of Condon learned nigh the mistake from an 86-year-old woman who was a former neighbor. The quondam neighbor said that one of the girls' mothers, Marjorie Angell, insisted back in 1953 that she had been given the incorrect baby after nurses returned from bathing them. Simply her concerns were ignored. With both sets of parents dead, the Reed and Angell siblings compared notes and family unit stories, learning that rumors of a mix-up had been around for years. Kay Rene Reed decided to get their DNA tested, and that confirmed the mistake. They both say they just have to motion forwards with their lives now, and they historic their latest altogether together.[ citation needed ]
- In March 1953, at San-Ikukai Hospital in Tokyo's Sumida Ward, hospital staff mistook a baby boy for another babe boy born thirteen minutes later. This story was referred to as the tale of the Japanese "prince and pauper." Sixty years later, a 60-year-former Japanese truck commuter discovered he was switched at birth after being born to a rich family. The man was raised by a single mother in a 100-square-human foot apartment. The boy who was raised in his place past the rich family became the president of a real manor company.[14] [15]
- In 1969, Mary Ann Saenz High and Cynthia Rector were accidentally switched at a Texas hospital. The switch was discovered by DNA testing in 2018. A lawsuit was afterwards filed past the women.[16]
- In 1975, at to the lowest degree 2 known cases occurred in Kingdom of norway House, Manitoba of babies existence switched at birth at the Norway House Hospital: Luke Monias and Norman Barkman,[17] and Leon Swanson and David Tait Jr.[eighteen] Both pairs of boys were from the same minor communities, and had been lifelong friends of their switch-mates before learning of the switches just in the mid-2010s.
- In 1978, Kimberly Mays and Arlena Twigg were switched at birth as a result of a medical error in a hospital in Wauchula, Florida;[19] the events surrounding their case were subsequently dramatized as the TV movie Switched at Birth.
- The Mixed-Up Brothers of Bogotá refers to two sets of identical twins that got separated at nativity in 1988 and were raised equally fraternal twins. The twins reunited in 2015.[20] [21] [22] [23]
- The sons of two Due south African women, Margaret Clinton-Parker and Sandra Dawkins, were accidentally switched at birth in 1989; the women sued in the Loftier Court of South Africa in Johannesburg in 1995, enervating amercement of ZAR120,000 each from the authorities of the province of Gauteng for the mistake.[24] They were later that year awarded damages to cover medical expenses and the future projected costs of visiting their biological children.[25] [26] Each family unit kept the child they had been living and raised them as their own even after learning of the switch. That was until one of the boys, Robin, at the historic period of fifteen, decided to get out Sandy Dawkins to go and alive with his biological female parent Margaret Clinton-Parker. The boys spent the remainder of their childhood living as brothers.[27]
- In 1992, it was discovered that Canadians Brent Tremblay and Marcus Holmes had been switched at nascency 21 years before. The mistake was discovered when Brent and his identical twin George Holmes met each other at Carleton University in Ottawa. The Children's Aid Society of Ontario later settled with the families involved.[28]
- On January i, 1998 ii newborn girls were switched at the hospital of Mazara del Vallo, Italy. Three years later, going out from a kinderschool, a teacher delivered past mistake one of the girls to her nascence female parent, as the woman was incredibly likeness the girl. After this episode, many doubts arose and Deoxyribonucleic acid tests established unequivocally that in that location had been a cradle swapping. The tribunal decided to give back the girls to their birth parents, merely the families remained friends and decided to create an "extended family unit" with "two mothers, ii fathers and eight grandparents". The story inspired the film Il vii e fifty'8 (The 7 and the viii), and the TV-motion picture Sorelle per sempre (Sisters Forever).[29]
- In 1998, it was discovered that Callie Johnson and Rebecca Chittum had been switched at nascence in 1995 in Charlottesville, Virginia. The switch was discovered when a Dna test of Callie Johnson to determine paternity for child back up found that she was not biologically related to either her purported father, Carlton Conley, or her purported mother, Paula Johnson. In a tragic coincidence, Callie's biological parents Kevin Chittum and Whitney Rogers died in a car accident the day subsequently Paula Johnson learned of the results of the DNA test. V others also died in the car accident, but Rebecca Chittum, Johnson'southward 3-yr-old biological daughter whom the deceased couple had been raising every bit their child, was at home with her supposed grandparents at the fourth dimension of the blow. Over the next decade, Paula Johnson repeatedly grappled with Rebecca's purported grandparents for custody and visitation rights, until a gauge adamant that the two girls were old plenty to express their own wishes with regard to seeing their biological relatives. In 2001, Carlton Conley married the sis of his biological girl Rebecca'south deceased adoptive begetter Kevin Chittum. Rebecca Chittum lived with the couple as of 2008 but had express contact with her biological mother, while Callie lived with Paula Johnson and occasionally visited her biological relatives.[30]
- In 2001, it was reported that a 35-year-old woman from the Canary Islands had discovered that she was one of a set of identical twins and that she had been accidentally switched at birth with some other girl. She grew upwardly as an only kid, until a friend of her twin mistook her for beingness that twin. But the person was shocked by the hit similarity in appearance and summoned them together. They took a Dna examination, which proved they were identical twins. The twin who had grown upwards thinking that some other girl was her twin said that the girl she thought was her twin looked zero like her. Since the women were born in a state hospital, they sued the authorities for damages.[31]
- On December 9, 2006, two newborn girls were switched in a infirmary in the Czech town of Trebic. The families did not find out until September 2007, when a couple of friends of one of the fathers made fun of him for not being the biological father of the baby. Dna tests proved that the girl was indeed switched. Later days of investigation, the other family was institute. The babies were gradually introduced to their biological parents and returned to their birth homes.[32] [ meliorate source needed ]
- On October 10, 2011, it was discovered that two Russian newborn girls were switched 12 years beforehand in a town in the Ural Mountains. The truth emerged subsequently the ex-husband of one of the mothers refused to pay alimony for the child on the basis that she looked nothing like him. DNA tests proved that the child was neither'due south biological girl. The other family was discovered across town with the biological daughter. The children volition stay with their adoptive parents, and both families are demanding 5 million rubles in impairment.[33]
- On March 11, 2015, 2 newborn boys were switched in a hospital in the Indian land of Assam. The mother of one of the children became suspicious after one week, at which betoken she contacted the hospital. The infirmary initially blamed the mother'southward concerns on her mental wellness problems. The child'due south begetter, through a right to information request, establish the couple with whom their kid was switched, and a Dna test was carried out. Each set of parents wanted to go on the child they took domicile from the hospital.[34] If any punishment or penalty was awarded to the hospital is however unknown.[ commendation needed ]
- Moses Cushworth, the son of U.K. denizen Rich Cushworth and his Salvadoran wife Mercedes "Mercy" Casanalles, was switched with another baby at a Salvadoran hospital in May 2015. Getting Moses out of El salvador became a ix-month process requiring the help of U.K. Ambassador Bernhard Garside in obtaining a passport for the boy, due to the bug with the birth certificate.[ citation needed ]
- In 2021, a baby switching instance occurred in the province of Rizal, Philippines. The couple Aprhil and Marvin Sifiata took dwelling house the wrong baby of Margareth Traballo and Kim Jasper Mulleno, and vice versa. Originally, the Dna tests were negative.[35] Several weeks later on, with the help of newsmagazine program Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, the DNA tests became positive and both babies are with their corresponding biological parents.[36]
Anti-switch techniques [edit]
Some hospitals take fingerprints, human foot prints, or palm prints of newborns to prevent babies from existence mixed up. Nurses besides double check with the female parent, checking the identity of that person also, in club to prevent errors.[37] [38] Many hospitals also have policies in which a medical record number is assigned to an babe at nascence, and bands with this number equally well as the concluding name of the mother of the infant, the sex of the infant, and the date and time of birth are placed on the infant and the mother immediately after parturition before the mother and child are separated. A band may also be placed on the father (or other person chosen past the female parent) at the time of birth.[ commendation needed ]
Come across also [edit]
- Kaspar Hauser, whom some hypothesize to accept been the real child of Karl, One thousand Duke of Baden, switched at birth with a dead child
- Changeling, the offspring of a magical animate being swapped with a human child and left in its identify
References [edit]
- ^ a b Lori Merish (2004). "Melodrama and American Fiction". In Shirley Samuels (ed.). A Companion To American Fiction 1780-1865. Blackwell Publishing. p. 192. ISBN0-631-23422-5.
- ^ Gregg Crane (2002). "The positivist alternative". In Ross Posnock (ed.). Race, Citizenship, and Police in American Literature. Cambridge University Printing. pp. 174–182. ISBN0-521-01093-four.
- ^ Kerry Segrave (1999). Movies at Home: How Hollywood Came to Television. McFarland & Visitor. p. 139. ISBN0-7864-0654-two.
- ^ Diane; Diane, erson-Minshall; Times, erson-Minshall is an award-winning amusement journalist Her piece of work appears in The New York; Online, Due east!; People. "Meet The 'Chrisley Knows Best' Cast". LiveAbout . Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ Copeland, Libby (3 March 2020). The Lost Family: How DNA Testing is Upending Who We Are. New York. ISBN9781419743009.
- ^ She Idea She Was Irish Washington Post. July 27, 2017.
- ^ "CHANGELING" SUES PARENTS :Dutch Instance Ruled Inadmissible. The Manchester Guardian. Reuters. December 28, 1955.
- ^ Switched at nascency Challis Messenger. April 16, 2019.
- ^ "ii men say infirmary switched them at birth eighty years ago". ABC News.
- ^ "Switch at birth revealed 75 years after". Associated Press. xvi March 2019.
- ^ "Home DNA tests show two women were switched at birth 72 years ago". NBC News.
- ^ "Public Radio to Air Story of PdC Babies Switched at Birth". Redorbit. 26 July 2008. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ "Switched at Nascence". This American Life. 25 July 2008.
- ^ Calamur, Krishnadev (Nov 29, 2013). "Japanese 'Prince' Switched at Nascency Was Raised A Pauper". NPR. Retrieved 15 July 2014.
- ^ "Japan Homo born to wealthy parents lived in poverty afterwards being switched at birth". YouTube. Global Report News. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21. Retrieved 31 Baronial 2016.
- ^ "Two Texas Women in Their 50s Brand a Startling Discovery: They Were Switched at Birth". NextTribe. May 19, 2021.
- ^ "2 Manitoba men switched at birth dealing with 'stolen identity'". CBC Manitoba, November 15, 2015.
- ^ "Manitoba men weep later on learning they were switched at birth 41 years ago". CBC Manitoba, August 26, 2016.
- ^ Martin Guggenheim (2005). What'southward Incorrect With Children's Rights?. Harvard University Press. p. 56. ISBN0-674-01721-eight.
- ^ DOMINUS, SUSAN (9 July 2015). "The Mixed-Upward Brothers of Bogotá". New York Times . Retrieved 31 Baronial 2016.
- ^ Chai, Carmen (xv July 2015). "Sentry: A tale of two sets of identical twins, mixed upwards at birth". Global News. Global News. Retrieved 31 August 2016.
- ^ "Where are the 'Mixed up brothers of Bogota' now?". Fox News. 19 August 2015. Retrieved 31 August 2016.
- ^ "The Mixed-Up Brothers of Bogotá". imgur . Retrieved 31 August 2016.
- ^ Clinton-Parker v. Administrator, Transvaal; Dawkins 5. Ambassador, Transvaal 1996 (2) SA 37 (Westward)
- ^ "2 MOMS SUING OVER SONS SWITCHED AT BIRTH". The Deseret News. 1995-08-22.
- ^ "Damages awarded after babies switched". The Kansas City Star. Associated Press. 1995-ten-22.
- ^ "Switched at nascence". Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ "FACT CHECK: Twins Switched at Birth". . Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ "Sisters forever, the true story of baby girls swapped in cradles in Mazara del Vallo arrives on TV". 2021-09-15.
- ^ "Ii families, 10 years subsequently -". Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ "Spain twins sue over nascence mix-up". BBC News. May 27, 2008. Retrieved April 26, 2010.
- ^ "Babies switched at nascence verdict: hospital to pay three.3M". Wordpress. 30 January 2009. Archived from the original on 2009-02-10. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ Rosenberg, Steve (ten October 2011). "Baby mix-up instance grips Russians". BBC News . Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ Pandey, Geeta (23 January 2018). "The switched-at-birth babies who refused to swap back". BBC News . Retrieved 25 May 2019.
- ^ "Non OUR Baby: Both Dna tests in Rizal baby-switching incident come back negative". GMA News Online . Retrieved 2021-05-xi .
- ^ MomCenter (2021-03-01). "TIMELINE: Rizal babies switched at nativity". MomCenter Philippines . Retrieved 2021-05-eleven .
- ^ Joseph Bolivar De Lee (1966). Obstetrics for Nurses. London and Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. p. 433.
- ^ Lawrence Joseph Stone and Joseph Church building (1973). Babyhood and Adolescence: A Psychology of the Growing Person . Random House UK Ltd. p. 46. ISBN0-394-31723-8.
How Often Do Babies Get Switched at Birth
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