What Happens When an Aries Gets Mad

THESE are the 5 zodiac signs who have a temper problem

Updated on Dec 08, 2020 05:26 AM IST  | 11M

THESE are the 5 zodiac signs who have a temper problem

THESE are the 5 zodiac signs who have a temper problem

Some people can get easily annoyed. While everybody does get angry often at something or the other, there are some who just lose it at the slightest inconvenience. They easily get ticked off and can get uncontrollably angry and tend to lose control over their words and behaviour.

There are some zodiac signs that are known for their bad temper and who, therefore, should not be provoked. They can lose it at the drop of a hat and it can get ugly. Here is a list of the top 5 zodiac signs who tend to easily get frustrated and have anger issues.



Aries born, tend to erupt when they get angry. They cannot hide their emotions and, thus, get visibly upset and frustrated when something or someone irks them.


Taureans are stubborn and hot-headed. They easily get annoyed and can get loud and aggressive when angry. However, they are also quick to cool down afterwards.


Being a perfectionist, Virgos have high expectations from people and if these are not met, Virgos can get outraged. They do not hesitate from saying mean things but also tend to regret it later.



They are opinionated and dominating. They will never back down in an argument and will stick to their point. They can say hurtful things in anger that might destroy relationships.


Scorpios are fierce and strong-headed. They know what they want and how they want it. If something goes wrong, they burst! They don't tend to get easily annoyed, but when they do, they are uncontrollable.

Also Read: Here's how can you determine your Zodiac Sign in astrology?

  • People
  • zodiac signs
  • anger
  • temper


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Anonymous : 1. cancer 2. aries 3. taurus 4. leo 5. virgo

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Anonymous : cancers have feelngs to, you cant treat someone like that

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Anonymous : im a Taurus and when i get nnoyed i start screaming and slaming the door sometimes so taurus is so true

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Anonymous : im a gemini i literally scratched my brother he bled hes a leo i was pissed

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Anonymous : hi am a Leo here and i get pissed off when people annoyed me asf and tell me am a little child with bad temper

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Anonymous : I get anger issues a lot - CAPRICORN

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Anonymous : This Is Megan Buckley I'm A Pisces I Get Angry Sometimes When I Get Mad Too Sometimes And Don't Get A Along With A Friend Aries ♈️

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Anonymous : im a gemini and i have actual anger issues please my friend is a scorpio and her anger issues are less than mine

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Anonymous : I'm a Pisces and get pissed about others success stories instead of focusing on the facts

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Anonymous : I'm an Taurus, I get triggered at anything :>

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Anonymous : im a sag and i have a pretty bad temper and I have a short line of patents and I dont get along with virgo and virgo only and Iif someone gives me attitude intentionally then Ii will get pretty mad

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Anonymous : I am a virgo and i pretty much give people the cold shoulder,give them a dirty look or insult when i am angry

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Anonymous : Im an Aries. April 10th. When someone doesnt do what they say they were gonna do it pisses me the fuck off . They need to shut they're mouths or learn to only open they're mouth when they mean what they say.

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Anonymous : i am a aquarius and my moon is capricorn or gem and my asendant is scorp

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Anonymous : I am an Aries. I get mad kinda easily. So my friends are sometimes really scared of me for no reason I didn't even say anything.

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Anonymous : My mom is a Virgo, and that is true about her, mostly because she has a tendency to let her anger out on me. My dad is an Aries, but he is actually pretty chill. I am an Aquarius, and I tend to be quite temper-mental...but it all happens internally. Although, sometimes I show my anger by just raising my voice a bit, but then I stop because I know if I were to just randomly yell at someone out of no where for no reason at all, I would feel really bad.

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Anonymous : yeah i am an Aquarius as well and my dad is a Pisces and when i am angry i sometimes raise my voice but i just keep my anger inside but when i am angry you can forget about it

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Anonymous : My mother is an Aries and that is correct about her. My sister is a Virgo and it's also true for her. And I am a Taurus and I can flip out real quick. There are times I've been so pissed to the point I don't remember most or any of what I said when I was, sometimes don't even remember what I did but usually do.

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Anonymous : There should be most to least and I think sag should be in the top 3 and cap should be in top 2 Taurus a d Vigo don't get mad that easily and don't overly have anger issues it's just bc their mean.

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Anonymous : I am a virgo and I will knock your ass off your feet!

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Anonymous : Im a saggitarius and I literally shout and argue when I cant do some things.

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Anonymous : I am an Aries and I explode when I get super duper mad over the littlest things!

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Anonymous : I am a leo I get angry at any little thing and when ever I do I will destroy any thing beside me,and never want anyone to tell me that am wrong.

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Anonymous : Bruh! I thought you said that you were a Leo.

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Anonymous : Im a pisces and when I get mad I tend to get violent

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Anonymous : Bro that's crazy! I'm an Libra myself and I do see a lot of zodiacs like these when they tend to get really angry!

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Anonymous : Well I'm a Capricorn Teenager girl whenever I here someone shouts or yell at me for no reason I do rather hurt them very badly, but thats from the worst BTW u need yo add Capricorn also bcuz it's very aggressive aswell, Idk about out Capricorns ♑

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Anonymous : Why are you saying you are diffrent zodiac signs ???

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Anonymous : I am a cancer ♋️ and I get really mad and fight over the most stupidest stuff ever

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Anonymous : Sun:-Leo,Moon:-Virgin,Asc:-Stubborn.But I like my anger.

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Anonymous : I'm Sagittarius when people Touch or Poke me I get very annoyed and I'll just yell when I get mad I'll just throw throw things as well

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Anonymous : I am a Cancer woman. I don't go around starting fights but when someone provokes me I can be very vicious and violent. Even to people that are 10 times my size. Just because we look sweet and innocent doesn't mean that we are. Looks can be very deceiving. And also, the FBI lists cancer as the most deadly.

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Anonymous : I'm a Sagittarius, but when I get mad, I destroy anything infront of me, or throw the first thing i find at my enemy

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Anonymous : I'm an Aries Taurus cusp I would have to agree...

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Anonymous : No wonder my head hurts when i hold my anger in

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Anonymous : I am an Aries and it is relatable. Sometimes I throw up a temper to others when I get angry easily when people come tease and bully me but also I ignored them

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Anonymous : I'm a Scorpio and I'm very controlling and when people don't listen I lose my mind ; )

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Anonymous : You wanna talk about anger... Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising here... ;-)

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Anonymous : I'm an Aries and sometimes I show up my anger to someone that irks me.

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Anonymous : Hi I am Scorpio. And here given all the words are related

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Anonymous : I am a leo when i get angry i kinda say hurtful words and i fight

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Anonymous : I love that my sun, moon, & rising signs are all on this list lol it does make sense though ♈️♍️♉️

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Anonymous : I'm cancer but I get mad very easily my bffs are Scorpio and Sagittarius ♋ ♐ ♏

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Anonymous : im sure scorpio is 1 my bff is scorpio she gets mad easily

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Anonymous : I am a Gemini♊️✨ I get annoying and angry no one comes near me when I look at people's eyes they run away very fast

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Anonymous : Imma libra most the time im chill but some things get me mad!

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Anonymous : well im pisces and i have anger issues also when i lose a game i scream so loud cus of my anger

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Anonymous : I am a gemini and l tend to get angry easily

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Anonymous : im a aries that is so true i get mad to easily

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Anonymous : IM a capricorn and i will get mad ate you if you dont do anything i telll you to

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Anonymous : I'm a Gemini with a worse temper than a Virgo

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Anonymous : I'm a cancer and my anger issues are the worst I get mad over the small east things

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Anonymous : I'm a ♉an I have a really bas temper towards my Aries brother

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Anonymous : I am a capricorn and I am always mad there is no cause to it I just get mad.

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Anonymous : Im a Leo and get mad ay small things and am agresave

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Anonymous : I'm a Taurus and I get mad easily and I hate loud noises as well.. which scares me.

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Anonymous : I am also a taurian & also my wife is a scorpio.. I hate them who are just joking me. I hate smile.

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Anonymous : I have bad anger issues irl and my zodiac sign is Sagittarius

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Anonymous : I'm Sagittarius and I have really bad anger issues like I could throw a chair at one of my classmates if they made me pissed off.

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Anonymous : Sagittarius woman and I've been there done that I've also stabbed a guy in the back with a pencil bc he crossed a line when I warned him I was only six but still just proof bad anger and rage very impulsive short tempered and tend to act on feeling instead of sense also can kill with a thousand brutally honest words

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Anonymous : I'm a Gemini and I get pissed off easily so yeah-

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Anonymous : Gemini is not one of the five. You're an exception to the rule :)

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Anonymous : Im a taurus i have a bad temper and very tomboyish

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Anonymous : My man is a pisces lol, I'm a capricorn btw, 100% agree

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Anonymous : I'm an Aquarius but I don't get angry that easily but I can be very aggressive sometimes.

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Anonymous : All the Gemini's in the comments need to stfu respectfully

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Anonymous : My friend is a Leo, and i'm a Gemini, and yeah, we both have a very bad temper.

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Anonymous : I haven't meet a tempered leo before I usally get along with Leo's fine and haven't ever meet one who has gotten very angry I dont get along with pieces or cancers that well

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Anonymous : My friend is Aquarius and she tends to get very angry over the smallest things and she scream so loud that it might break our eardrums.

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Anonymous : i am an aqaurius and dont piss me off my dad is a pisces and me and him be going at it all the time but not as much

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Anonymous : To me Gemini,virgo are the high tempered-:| Chill dang-

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Anonymous : I'm a Virgo & my husbands a Gemini and we are both angry but I wonder if it's because we don't get along??

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Anonymous : I'm mars in Gemini and moon in cancer I'm glad that I'm not on the list

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Anonymous : So true. I am Aris ♈, i get angry easily.....

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Anonymous : I'm a pisces and every grade 4th and up a couple people have told me I have had anger issues. What they say it about us pisceans is not factual at all.

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Anonymous : I'm a cancer and I was diagnosed with anger issues when I am angry I go up stairs and I move everything in my room especially my bed and in school I get so angry I scream at the teacher

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Anonymous : I am a Sagittarius it should be up there bc I have serious anger issues that I honestly cannot control ngl

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Anonymous : i am Sagittarius and i get mad very mad easy to like when i almost choked someone for saying rude things to me.

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Anonymous : Where the caps at???? I agree I get mad sometimes too lol, only in bad situations :/

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Anonymous : I am a Capricorn, and I some how have anger issues and is named the most feared in my family. Because i get irritated so easily people basicaly stay away from me but my friends, they know the limit.

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Anonymous : I am a Scorpio and everyone know it. Scorpio's easily get angry

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Anonymous : You have commented multiple times now Btw I am virgo

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Anonymous : I am cancer and have temper issues (probably because cancers have a desire for revenge without reason)

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Anonymous : I'm cancer but I do control mine to avoid been in the prison

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Anonymous : I am Virgo and I get angered easily . so, true..

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Anonymous : Yeah that's so true I am a Virgo and I tend to be out raging oh my throat or slap and punch

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Anonymous : i am a sag and i rage to much :')

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Anonymous : I said a hole thing on that Bc ima sag and my bffs are an Aries and Leo and I loses my temper more then them

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Anonymous : I am gemini and I snap to much :,)

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Anonymous : So you want them to say Gemini's have anger issues too?girl bye.

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Anonymous : Same I am a gemini. And I have a horriber temper. PERIOD.

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Anonymous : i am a canser, but i have temper proplems

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Anonymous : Same I think cancer should be at least too 3

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Anonymous : NO! WE DO NOT SAY THAT! CUT THAT OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Anonymous : I'm a cancer to and yes i have temper problems...

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What Happens When an Aries Gets Mad

Source: https://www.pinkvilla.com/lifestyle/people/these-are-5-zodiac-signs-who-have-temper-problem-580737

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